Wednesday, September 24, 2014

LAD #7: Washington's Farewell Address

1. It was in this address that Washington begins by announcing that he would not return to the Presidency, thus setting the "two term" precedent for future presidents, later leading to restrictions on how many terms a President can serve. He goes on to thank the citizens of America for making his tenure as President enjoyable. More importantly, he states what he feels would benefit the country in the future, saying that a united country that can overcome their regional differences would be much more effective than a separated one, a warning that feels significant considering the Civil War years later. He then goes on to state what he believes is the proper government for America, saying that government alliances would be detrimental and that a system of checks and balances is necessary. He puts out support for religion and morality, and makes it clear that the citizens of American should always have a voice in matters. He also reaffirms his position on his Proclamation of Neutrality. This address seems almost prophetic, as he very accurately described future America.

LAD #6: Washington's Proclamation of Neutrality

1. In the Proclamation of Neutrality, George Washington declared that the United States would remain neutral in the conflict between Britain and France. While they would observe respectfully, they would remain impartial towards both countries. Furthermore, any American citizen who goes against the Proclamation and becomes involved somehow in the conflict does so at his own risk and will not receive protection from the U.S. 

LAD #5: Federalist #10

1.  Why are factions so difficult to eliminate?
In eliminating a faction, basic rights of people are also being taken away. We are a country that puts value and pride in our democratic society; the act of eliminating a faction consequently eliminating rights would go against many of the American principles. Furthermore, if a faction was to be eliminated, all people involved would have to have the same views and opinions, which essentially ends all hope as this is impossible to achieve.
2. If factions can not be removed then how can they be controlled?
Since it is a foregone conclusion that factions cannot be removed, efforts must be made to control them so they do not get out of hand. Perhaps the most effective way of doing this is to enforce a Republican government. In doing so, representatives are elected to represent their faction; this differs from a democracy, where every citizen stands for himself. In addition, a Republic will also eliminate small faction groups and clear the way for more worthy groups.  

Monday, September 22, 2014

Republican Motherhood Blog

1. What role did the Revolutionary War play in the transformation of housewifery to Republican Motherhood?

It is said here that glorious ideas such as independence and patriotism were seen with new enthusiasm following the Revolution. It was believed that the mother had to act as the supervisor of the household and instill these new ideas into her children, so as to influence many future generations of Americans. This was a critical role for mothers to fulfill (document A).

2. What were the consequences of Republican Motherhood on women?

Gaining this new role of instilling Republican ideas in their children had several consequences. In document B, Benjamin Rush points out that in order to carry out this task, education for women would be necessary, therefore he was pushing for increased rights for women. On the other hand, some thought this role should lead to a more restricted life for women. In document A, Mrs. A.J Graves states her belief that it would be more beneficial for women to remain mainly at home and instill their influences there.

3. What is the significance of the ideology of Republican Motherhood as a stage in the process of women's socialization?

After always having a diminished role in society when compared to men, women now had an important role to play in the lives of the Americans. As Mary Morris says in document C, "already may we see the lovely daughters of Columbia asserting the importance and the honor of their sex." The growing confidence of the female undoubtedly helped lead to the future women's rights movements.

1. A young woman is sitting elegantly on a couch, while holding her two small sons, who seem to be dressed up in women's clothing.

2. The woman is featured in the portrait, which could be meant to portray her as the central, dominant figure with a significant amount of influence over her sons. The plainness of her outfit could lead us to think that she is Republican.

3. Her sons exemplify the growing influence of women on the lives of children in that they are sitting daintily with their mother and wearing feminine clothes. This perfectly exhibits the influence of the Republican Motherhood.

4. Her arm rests calmly yet firmly over her son's lap, perhaps showing the ability she has to direct him in his life/

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Blog # 4: Revolution Article

1. I thought it was interesting that the author brought up the fact that for the most part, memorable figures from the Civil War are military people, whereas this does not hold true for the Revolution. This goes along with the general misconception that the Civil War far outweighs the Revolution in terms of the magnitude of the actual warfare; people tend to believe that the Civil War was far more deadly for our country.

2. Cultural aspects such artwork also add to this misconception regarding these two wars. Paintings from the Civil War depict gruesome battle scenes, complete with dying and bloodied soldiers suffering from the horrors of war. Revolution paintings offer more of a "sanitized" image, with little major battle scenes depicted.

3. One can easily forget how much a difference of one hundred years can make; the equipment of the Civil War was far more advanced than that of the Revolutionary War. Civil War soldiers carried rifles that had about six times the range of the muskets carried by the Revolution soldiers, which goes a long way in explaining the comparative death toll in the two wars. Along with the much more powerful cannons, it is easy to see why there were so many more deaths in the Civil War.

4. I didn't realize how small the probability of survival was for an American Revolution soldier. Forty- seven percent of soldiers taken into captivity did not make it out, a startling number considering the smaller death percentage in the Civil War. This is yet another example of the underappreciated horrors of the Revolution.

5. Civilians suffered more in the Revolution than I realized. Coastal raids by the British were frequent, evidenced by numerous Connecticut towns being nearly wiped out. Furthermore, Virginia shipyards, ships, and tobacco warehouses were attacked and destroyed, while plantations were also plundered and the slaves were taken for prisoners.

Monday, September 15, 2014

LAD #3: Declaration of Independence

The Declaration of Independence
1. The main principles of the Declaration of Independence are staples of democracy. Most notably seen, the notion that all men are created equal and have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and the task of protecting these rights goes to the government. Furthermore, it is the right of the citizens to abolish a failing regime in order to keep a strong government and put more power in the hands of the people.

2. The Declaration was also used by the colonists to list their many grievances in regards to their treatment by the British. They complained about the infamous "taxation without representation" that helped spark the revolution, and listed other offenses such as the British quartering troops without warning in colonial houses, and that in general the British were trying to destroy the colonial way of life.

3. The conclusion of the Declaration ties it all together, and it is here that the Americans declare that they will break apart from the mother country England and become "free and independent states." They declared that they would now have the same rights as all independent countries in that they could form alliances, declare war, establish commerce, etc. They were truly becoming the United States of America.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

LAD #2: John Peter Zenger

                                                         John Peter Zenger Trial, 1735

1. Who was John Peter Zenger? 
Zenger, who had come over to New York from Germany, was the printer of the New York Weekly Journal. He strongly opposed the policies of Governor William Cosby, and expressed these views by printing critical articles in his newspaper. For this, he was arrested and charged with seditious libel, and spent 8 months in prison. 

2. What was the controversy over his charges? Talk about Hamilton's defense.
Philadelphia lawyer Andrew Hamilton that charges were incorrect in that it could not truly be considered libel unless the stories published by Zenger were false. Thus, there were no substantial charges, leading to the verdict of "not guilty". 

3. What influence did his case have on American governmental tradition?
By winning the case, Zenger showed that citizens had a right to express their own views and have say in government/political matters. It showed that the government does not have complete control, and that the citizens have a large role in running the country. Essentially, it made clearer the main concepts of democracy. 

4. What is the lasting significance of his trial? Explain.
In a country where the media has such a large influence on the citizens, the advancement of freedom of the press that the Zenger trial caused is extremely important. Basically, this trial proved that American citizens would have the right to voice their opinions; a right that is a cornerstone of American society. 

Saturday, September 6, 2014

LAD # 1: The Mayflower Compact and The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut

1) What concepts are included in the Mayflower Compact?
The Mayflower Compact was signed in order to bring the traveling men together as one in an effort to create a set of rules and regulations to live by once they reached their destination. They agreed to have loyalty to both their home country of England as well as the New World, and to have a deep faith in God. This first written set of rules would later influence the American Constitution. 

2) How does the Mayflower Compact reflect an attachment to both the "Old" and "New" worlds? 
In regards to the Old world, the Compact shows that the colonists are willing to remain loyal to their mother country and it's leaders as they agree to continue practicing their own traditions in their new home. As for the New World, the fact that they are preparing to come together and form their own government in order to benefit the colony shows the attachment. 

3) How did the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut differ from the Mayflower Compact?
While both "constitutions" are fairly similar, they ended up serving different purposes. While the Compact basically just provided a set of guidelines describing how the colony would be run, the Orders were a much more specific set of rules stating how they would rule the colony and giving them the ability to completely govern the towns and citizens. 

4) What prompted the colonists of Connecticut to take this approach to government, i.e.: use of a written Constitution?
After leaving England in part to escape certain injustices, the colonists decided to take matters into their own hands and create a government in which everyone (well, almost everyone) had a say in political matters; men were given more voting rights and more opportunity to run for elected positions. They also thought a known government system would reduce problems within the colony.

5) In what significant way(s) does the Fundamental Orders reflect a fear of and safeguard against the usurping of power by one person or a chosen few?
The colonists wanted to avoid the dominant power of a King, as it was in England, the laws specifically made ways so that this would not happen. They put strict limits on the amount of time people could hold positions of power, so as to avoid one person developing into a tyrant and gaining too much power. Also, policies such as creating two General Assemblies created an effective balance of power. Just as the Compact did, the Orders later had great influence on the American Constitution.