Wednesday, September 24, 2014

LAD #7: Washington's Farewell Address

1. It was in this address that Washington begins by announcing that he would not return to the Presidency, thus setting the "two term" precedent for future presidents, later leading to restrictions on how many terms a President can serve. He goes on to thank the citizens of America for making his tenure as President enjoyable. More importantly, he states what he feels would benefit the country in the future, saying that a united country that can overcome their regional differences would be much more effective than a separated one, a warning that feels significant considering the Civil War years later. He then goes on to state what he believes is the proper government for America, saying that government alliances would be detrimental and that a system of checks and balances is necessary. He puts out support for religion and morality, and makes it clear that the citizens of American should always have a voice in matters. He also reaffirms his position on his Proclamation of Neutrality. This address seems almost prophetic, as he very accurately described future America.

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