Tuesday, October 7, 2014

LAD #9: Jefferson's Inaugural Address


    Jefferson's Inaugural Address

                      Jefferson begins his speech with a general thank you to the people of America, and states his belief that America has already experienced rapid growth, and has mass potential for more. Jefferson then explains that if any issues were to arise in the government, the Constitution would be used to determine his course of action. Jefferson explains that while he would generally support the majority, the minority groups could not be ignored. He declares that his government will protect the people, and he lists some of his principles: equality of all men, religious freedom, peaceful relations with other nations, no entangling alliances, support of the state government, and preservation of the general government are all included. By listing these, he supports his reassurance that every man in America has the same principles. He concludes by admitting that there will be decisions he makes that will undoubtedly frustrate the American people, and he asks for their indulgence and to have faith in him. 

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