Wednesday, October 29, 2014

LAD #10

1.  What did the issuing of the Monroe Doctrine express from an American perspective post War of 1812?
It states that America would resume it's policy of avoiding involvement in European wars that did not involve America. Also, it strongly states that any further colonization of America by European countries is outlawed, and America is willing to go to war again to ensure that the Doctrine is followed.

2What was Secretary of State Adams' hope when he wrote the Monroe Doctrine?
He hoped to create separation between America and the European powers, and to ensure that these European powers would no longer interfere with issues in the Western Hemisphere. He realized that in the past, many American conflicts with Europe came about as a result of them being on American soil, therefore eliminating this would subsequently reduce conflicts with Europe.

3What is the key phrase in the entire document that you need to remember as the cornerstone or American Foreign Policy?
"It is impossible that the allied powers should extend their political system to any portion of either continent without endangering our peace and happiness; nor can anyone believe that our southern brethren, if left to themselves, would adopt it of their own accord." This sums up the issues that would result in unnecessary conflict, and this is the main reason that America assumed the position that it did.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Columbus Blog #8


Christopher Columbus: a World Hero

                             Here we go again...the annual debate about Christopher Columbus. In my opinion, this ridiculous argument needs to be put to rest as quickly as possible. It is widely known that Seattle no longer celebrates Columbus Day; rather, they now refer to it as "Indigenous People's Day." I hope the press conference to announce this change was aired on Comedy Central, so everyone could have a nice laugh about it. The entire point of Columbus day is to celebrate the man who had enough bravery and foresight to cross the ocean that nobody at the time even knew was possible or not to cross! And you can listen to all the hoopla about Vikings discovering America first, but the point is that it was Columbus was the one who made it possible for European culture to start spreading across the Ocean, which conveniently made it possible for us to be eventually be here, living in this beautiful country. Or does that not matter to the people of Seattle? I think allowing one of the most influential countries to develop constitutes him as a hero. And yes, he arrived here, and because he had no knowledge of who the Native Americans were, he exploited them and made life miserable for them. Well, people have been exploiting others for centuries upon centuries; it has to happen sometimes. He saw the opportunity to have new life develop in this New World, and he took it. He was finishing his job. Considering I wouldn't be sitting here without Christopher Columbus, I consider him to be a hero.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

LAD #9: Jefferson's Inaugural Address


    Jefferson's Inaugural Address

                      Jefferson begins his speech with a general thank you to the people of America, and states his belief that America has already experienced rapid growth, and has mass potential for more. Jefferson then explains that if any issues were to arise in the government, the Constitution would be used to determine his course of action. Jefferson explains that while he would generally support the majority, the minority groups could not be ignored. He declares that his government will protect the people, and he lists some of his principles: equality of all men, religious freedom, peaceful relations with other nations, no entangling alliances, support of the state government, and preservation of the general government are all included. By listing these, he supports his reassurance that every man in America has the same principles. He concludes by admitting that there will be decisions he makes that will undoubtedly frustrate the American people, and he asks for their indulgence and to have faith in him.