Monday, October 13, 2014

Columbus Blog #8


Christopher Columbus: a World Hero

                             Here we go again...the annual debate about Christopher Columbus. In my opinion, this ridiculous argument needs to be put to rest as quickly as possible. It is widely known that Seattle no longer celebrates Columbus Day; rather, they now refer to it as "Indigenous People's Day." I hope the press conference to announce this change was aired on Comedy Central, so everyone could have a nice laugh about it. The entire point of Columbus day is to celebrate the man who had enough bravery and foresight to cross the ocean that nobody at the time even knew was possible or not to cross! And you can listen to all the hoopla about Vikings discovering America first, but the point is that it was Columbus was the one who made it possible for European culture to start spreading across the Ocean, which conveniently made it possible for us to be eventually be here, living in this beautiful country. Or does that not matter to the people of Seattle? I think allowing one of the most influential countries to develop constitutes him as a hero. And yes, he arrived here, and because he had no knowledge of who the Native Americans were, he exploited them and made life miserable for them. Well, people have been exploiting others for centuries upon centuries; it has to happen sometimes. He saw the opportunity to have new life develop in this New World, and he took it. He was finishing his job. Considering I wouldn't be sitting here without Christopher Columbus, I consider him to be a hero.

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